At Life Church, we believe that the Bible is the completely accurate and inerrant Word of God. It is not just a collection of ancient texts, but the living, breathing guide for our lives today. Every word, every story, every teaching is divinely inspired and holds timeless truth that is as relevant now as it was when it was written.
From Genesis to Revelation, it tells one unified story — a story of God’s unfailing love, His pursuit of His people, and His plan to redeem and restore the world. This story is not just historical but deeply personal, revealing God’s character and inviting us into a relationship with Him.
We believe that the truths found in Scripture are sufficient for every challenge we face in life. Whether we're navigating relationships, facing trials, seeking purpose, or struggling with personal growth, the Bible provides wisdom, encouragement, and guidance for all of life's circumstances. There is no situation, question, or difficulty where the Bible’s teachings are irrelevant or lacking.
God will never contradict His Word. The direction He gives His people will always align with the truths revealed in Scripture. As followers of Christ, we trust that when we seek His guidance, we can have full confidence that it will be consistent with His written Word.
In a world full of conflicting messages and shifting values, we stand firm in our belief that God's Word is unchanging, trustworthy, and true. It is the foundation of our faith, the light for our path, and the source of our hope.
We are committed to not only reading and studying the Bible but to living it out in our daily lives, trusting that through it, God continues to speak, lead, and transform us.
At Life Church, we believe in the Trinity — that God exists as three persons in one being: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. Though distinct in person, each is fully God, and together they are one, unified in essence and purpose. The Father is the Creator, the Son is the Savior, and the Holy Spirit is the Presence of God at work in the world and in the hearts of believers. This divine mystery is at the core of who God is — a relationship of perfect love and unity.
God, in His infinite power and wisdom, created everything out of nothing. He spoke the universe into existence, bringing order, beauty, and life from chaos. Everything we see, from the stars in the sky to the earth beneath our feet, was created by His will and purpose. Creation is a reflection of His glory, and it exists to reveal His greatness and goodness.
Among all His creations, mankind is God's most prized creation. We were made in His image, uniquely designed to know Him, reflect His character, and enjoy a personal relationship with Him. In His love, God created us with free will, allowing us to choose to love and worship Him — an expression of the deep and genuine relationship He desires with each of us.
God is both completely just and merciful, and it is in the perfect balance of these two attributes that His character is revealed. As a perfectly just God, He cannot ignore sin. Sin brings separation from God and disrupts the harmony He intended for creation. But, as a perfectly merciful God, He provides a way for us to be reconciled to Him. This is the amazing truth of the Gospel: God, in His justice, punishes sin, but in His mercy, He offers forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus — God the Son — we are given the hope of salvation and eternal life. Jesus took the punishment for our sins upon Himself, making a way for us to be forgiven and restored to God. This act of grace reveals God's mercy without compromising His justice, and it is the ultimate expression of His love for us.
The Holy Spirit, God’s presence within us, empowers us to live in light of this truth, guiding us, convicting us, and helping us to live in a way that honors God and reflects His love to the world.
We believe that God, in His perfect balance of justice and mercy, calls us to respond in faith, repentance, and obedience — to accept His forgiveness and to share the good news of His grace with others. This is the essence of our faith: a loving, just, and merciful God who created us, redeemed us, and desires to live in relationship with us forever.
At Life Church, we believe that mankind is created in the image of God, both male and female. Every person, regardless of ethnicity or background, reflects God’s image. From the moment of conception, each individual is uniquely crafted with purpose and worth, designed to reflect God’s character in the world and to stay consistently faithful to His design.
However, while we are made in God’s image, we are also born with a nature inclined to sin and rebel against God. The Bible teaches that, through the fall of Adam and Eve, sin entered the world, and with it came separation from God. As a result, every person is born with a heart bent toward self-centeredness, pride, and disobedience. This sinful nature leads us to fall short of God’s perfect standard and creates a barrier between us and our Creator. Left to our own devices, we cannot restore that broken relationship on our own.
But God, in His infinite love and mercy, has made a way for us to be reconciled to Him. Without God’s provision, we remain separated from Him, but through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are offered forgiveness and new life. It is only by God’s grace — through faith in Jesus and His work on the cross — that we can be made right with God and restored to the purpose He has for our lives.
We believe that salvation is a gift that cannot be earned, but is freely given to all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This gift of grace offers not only forgiveness but also the power to overcome sin and live in a way that reflects God’s image more fully. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to live transformed lives, restoring what was broken and guiding us toward God’s will.
At Life Church, we believe that God gave mankind the gift of free will — the ability to make choices. This gift is part of what makes us uniquely human, created in the image of God. It allows us to choose to love, to worship, and to follow Him. It was through the misuse of this free will that sin entered the world.
From the very beginning, humanity chose to rebel against God’s perfect will, and sin became a part of the human experience. Every person, by their own choice, has sinned and fallen short of God's glory (Romans 3:23). Sin is not merely a mistake or a failure to live up to a standard — it is a willful turning away from God, choosing our own way over His. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), which means separation from God and eternal consequences.
God is holy, meaning He is completely pure, righteous, and set apart from all sin. Sin must be punished, not out of cruelty but out of justice — because sin disrupts the perfect relationship God intended with His creation. Yet, in His great love for us, God did not leave us hopeless in our sin. Instead, He made a way for us to be restored to Him.
Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, came to earth as God’s solution to humanity’s sin problem. He lived a perfect, sinless life, fulfilling God’s righteous requirements on our behalf. Jesus, fully God and fully man, voluntarily took on the penalty for sin — the punishment we deserve — by dying on the cross. Through His death, Jesus bore the weight of our sin and satisfied the justice of God, taking upon Himself the punishment that we could never bear.
But the story doesn’t end with His death. Jesus was raised from the dead, conquering sin and death once and for all. His resurrection provides the hope of new life and eternal life for all who believe in Him. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, forgiveness of sin is offered to all who repent and trust in Him as Lord and Savior. When we place our faith in Jesus, our sin is no longer held against us, because Jesus took the punishment for our sin upon Himself.
As a result, we receive not only forgiveness but the gift of eternal life. We inherit the righteousness of Christ, which means we are made right with God, not because of anything we’ve done, but because of what Jesus has done on our behalf. This is the amazing grace of God — offering us forgiveness, reconciliation, and eternal life through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
When we choose to trust in Jesus, our lives are transformed. We are no longer defined by our sin, but by His love and righteousness. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), and through Him, we are given the opportunity to experience a restored relationship with God, both now and for all eternity.
Those who have experienced salvation through faith in Christ are called to a journey of continuous spiritual growth, which is characterized by a deepening commitment to purity and holiness. This growth is not merely about gaining knowledge, but about being transformed from the inside out, aligning more and more with God's will. One of the core aspects of this transformation is a rejection of sin and a passionate pursuit of righteousness.
As believers, Christians are not to normalize or tolerate sinful behaviors in their lives, no matter how ingrained or culturally accepted they may be. Instead, they are called to confront sin with humility and repentance, seeking forgiveness through the grace of Jesus Christ. True Christian growth involves a constant turning away from sin and a striving to reflect the purity of Christ in both thought and action. By depending on God's strength and grace, believers are empowered to leave behind sinful patterns and embrace a life of holiness that honors Him.
This process of sanctification is ongoing, but it is also filled with hope. Christians are reminded that through Jesus, there is always the opportunity for forgiveness, restoration, and transformation. The pursuit of purity is not a self-effort but a response to God's love and a reflection of the new identity believers have in Christ.